“I first met Pascal Villeneuve in Santa Fe, New Mexico where he was a participant in one of my yearly classes at the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops. I immediately recognized he was hungry to learn. Toward the end of the week he inquired about private tutoring after the workshop was over and we agreed to set up weekly internet sessions, me in Oregon and he in France, and continue the lessons. We met on weekends whenever both of our schedules permitted for over a year. What I was to discover was an extremely talented photographer with an intimate knowledge of his subjects. What initially intrigued me was that Pascal’s “vision” was not just for the exotic but more for the beauty and character of Bangladesh’s youth. As the weeks passed I had fewer and fewer suggestions to improve the expression of his images. He had listened and retained what I had shared with him. My contribution to his photographs was minor, their power and beauty truly reside in the eye of the photographer.”

R. Mac Holbert (Ashland, Oregon - 2021)

R. Mac Holbert, along with musician/photographer Graham Nash, in 1989 co-founded Nash Editions, widely regarded as the world's first digital printmaking studio focusing solely on photography. In 2011, Mac established The Image Collective, to provide digital expertise to the cultural heritage world. In 2016, together with four other partners, Mac founded Art Authority, a company that provides extreme quality reproductions to museums. He regularly teaches fine-art digital printmaking at Santa Fe Workshops, New Mexico.


Paris Exhibition


15-29 April 2021

What People Are Saying


“À travers la diversité des paysages et des visages, l’oeuvre de Pascal Villeneuve illustre les enjeux environnementaux, économiques et sociaux qui sont ceux de ce pays attachant.

— Fisheye Magazine

“Rares sont les projets photographiques liés au Bangladesh qui en présentent une vision humaniste. « Bangladesh », de Pascal Villeneuve en est un témoignage sincère, fruit d’une longue expérience du développement international et de l’humanitaire.

— 9 Lives Magazine